
A Practical Guide
to assess yourself and improve
your learning and expressing ablilities




and EMPOWER them

Ignite Your Spirit!
Success is Ours!

We are called to the luminous moon of success!
To land there, we have to launch from this hard soil.
Work hard and fly on the wings of achievements. Success is ours!

This universe is full of various powerful energies and matter.
As parts of this immense and incredible energy, we all are also mines of these dormant powers.
But we are not aware of it and we do not use them.
The best way to awaken these powers is self-suggestion; tell your inner mind constantly and awaken them.
Fly on the wings of achievements. Success is ours!

Read the following passages and answer the questions along with them so that you can assess yourself.
Then do the self-suggestion technique; unleash the strength of your mind, and be free from limitations.
Some suggestions are given with the subsequent passages.
You need not do it as it is; you can prepare your own suggestions elaborately according to your requirement.
Fly on the wings of achievements. Success is ours!

Let’s Get Started!

Tell this to your inner self repeatedly:

I am full of hidden powers; I want to awaken them and arouse them from the bottom of my mind.

1. Be Aware of the Need to Learn

Learning is essential for personal, professional, and intellectual development. It enriches our life in numerous ways

  1. Learning helps us attain the goal of our lives.
  2. Learning satisfies our curiosity and gives us peace of mind.
  3. Learning gives us happiness.
What is the intention of my learning?
Do I feel happy when I acquire new knowledge?
Do I have an inquiring mind?

I need proper awareness about learning.
I should not feel boredom when I study and I should feel happiness while learning.

2. Fix Our Aim of Life

There are two phases to attain the aim of our life.

  1. Ultimate aim of life:
    To some extend your aim in life is about your career, and these aims can be flexible. When you pass through new knowledge you can change your aim for a better one that suits to your interests. But it should not be less than the previous one. When you fix an aim consider whether it is beneficial not only to you but also for the society.
  2. Immediate targets:
    To achieve the ultimate aim you have to step through many immediate stages. You should have the awareness about these instant goals. For example class assignments and examinations are two of them.

Some Sample Aims:

1. Ruler, Administrator 7. Social worker
2. Scientist8. Business man
3. Industrialist, Agriculturist 9. Doctor, Engineer
4. Film Director, Musician, Artist 10. Chartered Accountant
5. Sportsman 11. Employee (Foreign / Native)
6. Researcher 12. As it happens

My aim in life is to be a
My immediate targets are

I want to achieve my goal. For that, I will fulfil my immediate targets on time.

3. Get Guidance

Guidance from experienced expert is necessary in order to avoid mistakes and to avoid waste of time.

  1. Teachers
    Listen to the teachers in classrooms. Clear doubts in classroom or staff room.
  2. Parents
    Request the help of parents, if they are capable of handling the subject or ask them to arrange an expert for proper guidance.
  3. Experts
    In classroom you may not get proper attention. But from an expert you can demand individual attention.
Can I to clear my doubts with my teacher?
Are my parents capable of helping me with my studies?
Do I need assistance from experts? If yes, have I made any arrangements?

When I have doubts regarding my lesson portions I will ask teachers or parents or tuition sir about it and it will be clarified.

4. Be Confident

Be confident enough to believe that you can attain all the vast portions to be learned.

Attaining all the vast portions is a step-by-step process. Though initially the process is very slow, gradually you can accelerate the speed of achievement.

Am I confident that I can learn all these vast subjects?

I have to learn all these lessons, and I am very confident that I can do it thoroughly within the time limit.

5. Have Determination

Determination gives us stamina to finish our tasks without getting tired.

At times you may feel lack of enthusiasm or frustration; don’t give up; try, try, try ... Definitely you will finish your tasks one by one.

Am I a person of determination?

Today I have to learn this much portions. Anyhow I will finish it today itself. I am determined to do it.

6. Be Attentive

We have to arrange a congenial atmosphere to get complete attention on the subject.

  1. Satiate the stomach:
    Eat enough food; not more than enough.
    With an empty stomach it may be difficult to concentrate on the subject and over eating makes you sleepy.
  2. Clean the mind:
    Get rid of all other thoughts except that of the subject.
    If you have desire, when you concentrate on the subject all the disturbing thoughts will vanish.
Do I feel any disturbance when I sit to study?

I will sit in the class attentively. I will not allow anything or anybody to distract me.

7. Concentrate on the Topic

We must focus on the topic in order to understand the concepts related to it.

  1. Read a little aloud, if the circumstance allows:
    When you read aloud, it goes into your brain not only through the eyes but through the ears also – a double impact. Two sense organs are activated. This could help in better understanding of study topics.
Do I have the habit of reading aloud?

When I feel lack of concentration I will read the lesson a little aloud.

  1. Write notes and draw figures:
    Writing notes and drawing figures demand more concentration. It is a practice of expression and impression. Both happen simultaneously. It has high impact.
Do I have the habit of writing notes and drawing figures?

Though I feel writing notes and drawing figures are tedious jobs, it is beneficial; so I will practice it.

8. Grasp Properly

Understand the topic properly. Then only you can progress in a faster pace.

  1. Analyze the details:
    To understand topic properly we have to observe similarities and differences of each elements carefully and study the relationships.
Do you practice examining the similarities and differences?

By analyzing each point, I can understand the lessons very well. So I am doing it.

  1. Learn or revise previous lessons:
    The new knowledge is grasped with the existing knowledge. Previous lessons are the base of new knowledge. So revision of previous lessons is a must.
Do I feel need of revision? (Frequently/Occasionally/No)

I know revision is necessary, so without any hesitation I will do it.

  1. Synthesis / Integration / Coordination:
    Combine the new knowledge with prior knowledge that is applicable.
Do I learn things by linking the previous points?

By linking the points together I can learn the portions effectively.

  1. Conclusion:
    Come to a conclusion. These conclusions will help you do new exercises yourself easily.
Do I try to make conclusions?

I will do similar or slightly different exercises myself by making conclusions from already learned lessons.

9. Memorize Points

Memorizing makes deep impressions in our subconscious mind. It help us to express ideas easly and quickly.

  1. Repeated reading:
    Through ears, brain captures the subject and makes impressions on your memory. Repetition makes these impressions deep and permanent.
Do I have the habit of repeated reading?

I am determined to read the matter again and again to remember them.

  1. Repeated writing:
    When you write something, brain uses more concentration than reading. So your mind wanders less on other matters. Letters are symbols (pictorial representations) of matter and ideas. When you write, you see the letters also. Through both the nerves of hands and eyes these symbols make deep impressions in your brain.
Have I the habit of repeated writing?

I will write the answer repeatedly to remember them quickly.

  1. Telling others:
    When you tell others about a point, your ego will do more effort to make it accurate and perfect.
Do I study lessons discussing with friends?

I will discuss the lessons with friends so that I can memorize them so deeply.

10. Practice Exercises

Practising similar exercises helps us attain a thorough understanding, and it marks deep impressions in our subconscious mind.

  1. Steadiness and Regularity:
    The practice should be steady. We can learn even very difficult topics thoroughly by steady and regular practice.
Do I have steadiness in doing practice?

  1. Patience:
    To do steady practices you should have patience.
Do I have enough patience?

With patience I will practice the difficult portions many times in order to make them thorough and error free.

11. Sharpen Your Brain

By doing same things repeatedly, your brain will feel fatigue. So sharpen the brain by:

  1. Taking rest at intervals
On examination days I learn -- hours at a stretch?

  1. Doing hobbies
My hobbies are

  1. Engage in entertainment
My favorite entertainment are

If I feel tiredness when I study a lot I can engage in my hobbies or in any entertainment for a little while in order to refresh the mind and brain.

12. Keep the Mind Sound

A healthy mind gives you confidence, tranquility and concentration.

  1. Co-operation:
    Keeping away from others will not help us in succeeding. So co-operate with others.
Do I have a co-operative mind?

I will come forward to mingle and co-operate with others.

  1. Competition:
    Compete with yourself to achieve more knowledge and skills, but co-operate with others and help the needy.
Do I have a fighting mind?

My competition and fighting is towards my weaknesses and inefficiencies. I will defeat them and will improve myself.

  1. Charity:
    Doing help to the needy will broaden your mind. A broad mind can contain much more – peace, joy and so many magnificent feelings.
Are you ready to help others?

I will help others according to the best of my ability.

13. Express Efficiently and Effectively

Exams evaluate our knowledge and our ability to communicate effectively. To communicate ideas clearly, we need:

  1. Knowledge in subject:
    Describe the subject matter only. Avoid unnecessary explanations.
  2. Accuracy in expression:
    The details that you express should be mistakeless.
  3. Aptness in explanation:
    Use the exact words to explain.
  4. Clarity in points:
    Explain the points straightforward and clearly.
  5. Simplicity in language:
    Use simple words and language to convey your ideas.
  6. Flowery language:
    Use attractive words and language to avoid boredom.
Can I describe the points according to the question?
Am I able to write answers without mistakes?
Do I know the exact terms to write the answers?
Can I explain things in a straightforward way?
Am I able to convey your ideas in simple words?
Is my language attractive?

I will describe the answers as per the question demands and the answers will be correct. I am able to use appropriate words and I can convey my ideas by using simple words in a straightforward way.

14. Attain Quickness

Do things as much as quickly as we can. Then only we can complete things in time.

  1. Systematic practice:
    Practice solving more same type of problems as you can.
  2. Increase speed consciously:
    Put pressure on yourself to find a solution to the problem more rapidly.
Can I finish writing exams and checking answers on time?

I will practice to write exams fast enough so that I can complete and recheck the answers in order to avoid mistakes.

15. Revise Frequently

You may forget things, which are not frequently used. So revise regularly to recollect it.

  1. Consolidates knowledge:
    Revision consolidates what we have learned so far. By revisiting the material, you reinforce key concepts, facts, and information in our memory, making them easier to recall when needed.
  2. Identification of gaps and misconceptions: During revision, we can discover areas where we have gaps in your understanding or misconceptions about certain topics.
Do I arrange time to revise previously learned portions?

I will find time to revise previous lessons and refresh all of them.

16. Manage Time Effectively

Manage time effectively and efficiently by prioritising important and weak subjects.

One day has only twenty-four hours. We cannot add even a single minute to it, and we cannot bring back the past hours. So do not waste time.

  1. Prepare a timetable:
    Find time to learn each day’s lessons the same day itself. For important and weak subjects allot more time.
  2. Re-schedule the timetable:
    When we accomplish a task, have to give more time to complete a task, or have to accommodate a new task, then the timetable should be rescheduled.
Do you have a detailed timetable for home study?
Do you feel the need for occasional changes?
Do you follow it?

My study must be planned; so today itself I will prepare a time table and I will follow it strictly. I can revise this one whenever it needs.

17. Assess Regularly

Examine frequently whether we have grasped the subject properly or not.

  1. Test ourselves:
    The first step is testing ourselves.
Do you test yourself?

Testing my knowledge frequently is very essential. So I will always assess myself.

  1. Check with friends:
    The next step is checking with our friends.
Do I have a practice to test the lessons with my friends?

I will test my lessons with my friends. Hence the class exams will be very easy.

  1. Assess with experts:
    Assessment with experts is very necessary to avoid memorizing and practicing the mistakes.
Do you feel dislike class tests?

I appreciate the class exams as it gives practice for the public exam.

18. Harvest Your Hardwork

Your preparations are completed. It is the time of harvest.

Attend the public exam with a calm mind. Answers will come automatically into your mind.

Will you be ready to write the public exam without any tension?

I will be ready to write the public exam without any stress and tension.

19. Enjoy Your Success

Celebrate each and every success with our family, friends and teachers.

How do I enjoy each simple and great success?

I will be SUCCESSFUL and I will enjoy the fruits of my success with my family, teachers and friends.